recruitment management system Dubai

Trustworthy and Effective Recruitment Software For your Business

cloud recruitment software Dubai

Quick and Perfect Recruitment

A recruitment software solution to your staff relating issues starting from a suitable job posting to a suitable hiring. A relatively fast and more effective system as compared to the traditional way of hiring candidates. The recruitment management system is based on SaaS model. The algorithm will make sure that a candidate passes through enough testing procedures so that you would be able to select perfect employees for your organization.

Take a test drive


    00971 55 1598717


    +966 (11) 406 0544


    Parsing Engine - Eliminates Errors & Save Time

    An additional feature available in this cloud recruitment software which will gather information for you no matter where you find it. Find most reliable business resources for your business.
    recruitment software Dubai
    recruitment software solutions Dubai

    In House Recruitment

    When you are looking for a fresh recruitment for a free slot in your company you would make sure to select a candidate who is completely meeting the requirements of the job. SolutionDot will do this for you via RectBOX, the best hiring software to look for.

    hiring software Dubai

    For Recruitment Agencies

    Similar to a company who is seeking an ideal candidate, recruitment agencies in the market will help you in hiring the candidate who is according to your demands. RectBOX will streamline all the processes for him.

    RectBOX- An innovative cloud based software to speed up the Recruitment process

    Rectbox is an effective solution for both the Inhouse hiring and also for the recruitment agencies. We use effective and quick processes to make hiring easy and perfect for you.