101 SEO Tips and Tricks you Should know to Grow on the Internet
- Digital Marketing November 05,2023

Any ambitious company that wants to climb on the Internet, needs all its online channels are fully visible. This is the reality that has made more and more companies are interested in everything related to the organic positioning. Here are some essential SEO tips to help you achieve that.
In this story we offer 101 seo tips to make your SEO company is placed in the top positions of Google search results.
And there are plenty of circumstances that influence when assessing the various factors of the algorithm of Google and its impact on a strategy SEO long term . In this article, based on the graphics of Search Engine Journal Google’s 200 ranking factors , we describe the main factors that Google takes into account to position your page.
101 SEO Tips and Tricks to Grow on The Internet

1. Keywords in The Domain
One of the most relevant in enhancing the position of a keyword specific factors. Domains with the exact keywords have extra power, when positioned in Google (although according to the latest Google algorithm update: Panda, has special relevance).
2- SubDomain Keywords
Subdomains of a page starting with the keyword will have many more options to position the word on the search engines.
3- Domain History
If it falls into your hands, a domain of high volatility, ie it has changed hands frequently, you should notify Google to disavow links above negatively affect the positioning (using tools such as disavow). A tip: the best, when you start a new project, is starting a new domain.
4- Keywords in The Title of Page
The key word in the title of the page is regarded as one of the most important factors for SEO on page. It is essential that your sites contain the most relevant keywords for your niche in the title tag.
5- Keyword in The Tag “Meta Description”
According to Google (I still do not quite believe me), the keyword in the meta description is not relevant in terms of positioning SEO On Page (the one mission of the description is displayed to users in the SERPs, content Article), but it is very important to capture the attention of your potential customer.
6- Keywords Should Appear in H1(Heading)
One point, along with the Title tag most relevant. Google is not a soothsayer, and recognizes the main content of your content through the Title tag and H1.
7- Destiny Keywords
Within a text the importance of keywords largely determined by the number of occurrences of the same. Repeating a keyword in the text (sometimes bold) is a further sign of notoriety for Google, but beware, the search is very smart, and can detect that you are using that word in an unnatural way, generating devastating consequences for your organic positioning.
8- The Length of Texts
It’s a simple rule: a content with other words to have more equal preference in positioning. Google has always been committed to generating value, and the contents of more than 1,000 words have a 24% more engagement. White and cylinder, you should write content of more than 1,000 words.
9- The Strength of Semantic Text
The semantic content is becoming one of the points most valued by Google when to deduce the meaning of a post and your main keywords. A clear example is when you look for “used cars”, Google also shows you relevant results on “vehicles on offer”.
10- Uploading Speed
Another relevant factors use the search when positioning a website. In order to improve the speed of loading, the code should be optimized. A less loading time, the greater the possibility of appearing in the top positions of the search engine.
11- Duplicate Content
Duplicate content is the main enemy of organic positioning. Note that not only depends on you. If a relevant web page will copy the contents, the consequences can be dire. One of the best ways to detect it is through the Google Webmaster tools for software or screaming frog .
12. Rel = Canonical
It is one of the ways to prevent duplicate content. Through this label, you can tell Google what the content should be considered. The Rel = canonical is very useful for duplicate content Google does not consider the same product with a different attribute (that is, if for example you have an eCommerce have two equal-shirts and shirts, which only changes the color).
13- Image Optimization
Keep pictures of your optimized page is crucial as scale factor. Write an alt text and title is absolutely necessary, also you will help provide clues about the content of the asset.
14. Consistency in Content Up-Gradation
The constantly updated content is one of the factors that values Google at determining the importance of a page. Google likes your page input current and recent information to users (it is a way to consider yourself an expert in your sector).
15- Quality Links
mean strong and get quality pages that point to our links. The era in which the links of poor quality, poor managed to position ended. Try to get a balance between the links and get different parts of your page that point.
16- Grammar & Tone
For this section you should think about one thing: what you Buyer headed person. The tone must fit the Buyer person. The use of proper writing is a good sign for Google, regardless of the tone.
17. Number of Incoming Do Follow Links
A too high number of inbound links no follow can be harmful. There must be a balance, where the Do Follow logically be most but always in the presence of the No Follow.
18- Media Content
One way to enrich the content of a page and make it more positionable is to introduce other formats, such as multimedia content. One tip: use Youtube. Since Google bought the video social network, YouTube has a direct influence on organic positioning.
19. Number of Internal Links
One way to promote organic positioning of a specific content is to have many of our own internal links pointing to that page article. Thus we send signals to Google that the content is relevant and of value.
20- Broken Links
Having a high number of broken links is a sure sign of neglect and abandonment, as Google detects that you’re sending links to pages that have long ceased to exist. It is advisable to monitor such links and remove them as soon as possible.
21- HTML Errors
Be very careful with HTML errors on our pages (on platforms like WordPress is difficult to appear).
22- The Length of The URLs Matters
URL length too high can damage the keyword positioning is similar to what happens with the titles, although they should not be as short as one word (mostly by not beat us with a competition) either should exceed a certain number of characters.
23. Category Page
A well categorized page gives Google consistent signals about what your content versa. Make an effort to categorize all your content, especially if you have a corporate blog.
24. Human Editors
Although it looks like an urban legend in the style of Ricky Martin in Surprise Surprise, Google has patented a system where human editors are allowed to influence the results of the SERPs.
25- Page Rank
The great forgotten, but not yet dead. To make a football metaphor, we can compare loo with the last stage of Raul Gonzalez Blanco. There is often a correlation indicating that the best sites are usually positioned also those with higher Page Rank.
26- Keyword Vs. Brand Name in TheURLs
Another key factors in positioning. A tip: a combination of keyword and brand name in the URL is a very good choice for positioning.
27- Chained URLs
It is another factor that tell Google about that subject is a certain ‘site’. An example of chained URLs can be: www.increnta.com> home books> ebooks.
28. Quote Reference Pages
It is useful for positioning SEO quote your reference in your articles and outgoing links with those sources of authority are as relevant in the eyes of Google and are part of your niche. The ideal is to go a little beyond the Wikipedia, it is too recurrent.
29. The importance of a Sitemap XML Plugins
In WordPress have it easy and simply add as Google XML Sitemap plugins. Thus you will be notified every time the search engine has new content on our website and Google spiders can trace it more effectively.
30-Too many Outgoing Links
Having a too high number of outgoing links on your page is detrimental to your position. The outgoing links must be inserted with care, because too much can make your page loses strength in search engines.
31- Pages “User Friendly Layout”
The literal transcription of English would be “Pages user-friendly design.” With that Google refers to the pages with a clean design and user-oriented, i.e. pages that promote optimal user experience.
32. Content and Unique Values
Google is adamant those ‘sites’ that do not add value to the user. In this blog we have endlessly repeated phrase: Content is King. Follow it to the letter.
33- Specific Contact Page
Google takes into account positive those sites that have pages contact way, generating transparency.
34. Trusted Domains
The more backlinks pointing to your main domain (ie your home) most relevant acquire your domain (AD).
35. Web Architecture
A well organized in terms of structure page is something valued by Google. This is a factor that is aimed at those people who build from scratch, through HTML, web pages.
36- Server Falls
It is necessary to maximize up-time “on”. A prolonged drop in time may even cause some of your results desindexen.
37- Location of Server
The location server may be a slight factor of relevance especially when displaying content that need some Geo-location. Imagine that your server is located in United States and your faces web search “best restaurants in Spain“.
38- SSL Certificates (eCommerce)
Google has confirmed that it is able to index the SSL certificate that some websites dedicated to ecommerce. Needless to say more.
39- Privacy
Transparency in the privacy generate a climate trust with Google as it understands that websites are nothing to hide and committed to the user.
40- Define Clear Navigation Paths
Google has in mind positively those sites that have a URL structure that clearly displayed at all times to check where it is located: tuPagina.com/nombre-del-post.
41- 100% Responsive Design
Google values more pages with a responsive design, meaning that adapt perfectly to the displays on mobile devices Any doubts among implement a responsive web or mobile web?
41- Bounce Rate
A high bounce rate will weigh your organic positioning because Google understand that your site is not appealing to users because once they land on him flee in terror.
42- Comments
It is a relevant factor. A further comment and diversity of IPs in an article, most likely would have to be indexed in the top positions.
43-The Number of Domains That Points’ Your Website
is one of the most decisive factors is taken into account by Google. For Google is very important in terms of positioning are several (the more the better) domain names pointing to your page. This way is much better to get 10 links 10 domains 5 and 5 only 2.
44. Links from .edu/.gov Domains
Inbound links from domains with the .gov extension .edo or tend to have greater relevance being equal to other links.
45- Links Competing Pages
Rceive a link to a page that competes under a number of keywords in common is very taken into account by Google positively when assessing a page. A tip: make agreements with your competitors to leave both benefited.
46- Authority Page Linking to Us
It not only takes into account factors such as Page Rank but also as the PA (Page Authority) and DA (Domain Authority) when evaluating a bond.
47- Number of Times a Page is Being Shared
The “Social Shares” when produced in bulk and this page has outgoing connections, the connection charge more courage and strength. So Google is well aware that you get links from sites whose contents have previously been shared by social networks.
48- Guest Post
If you publish a guest post and put the link to your site is placed at the end of the article in the section “biography” this link is not as strong as a standard link.
49- The links from the home provide stronger
Links that come from the Home Page as a rule are backlinks with greater force, since this is the part of the web that receives more links and more Page Authority has.
50- No Follow Links
One of the most controversial points in the SEO world. No Follow the famous links. This section is best to try to get both types of links, as this ultimately forms a pattern of more natural links if they were single Do follow. Google the exact words regarding this kind of link is “in general we do not follow them” that is, “in general, do not follow them.”
51- Excessive 301 Redireccones
Links that come from 301 redirects lose strength. Receive too high a number of such links is detrimental to your SEO.
52- Anchor Text Link
The anchor text of the links has lost some strength, even though it is taken into account when a page to rank pattern. One tip: use the anchor text with his head.
53- No Follow Links from Wikipedia
It is a popular belief that most extended links from sites like Wikipedia despite being transmitted Follow No part of authority to the linked sites. Undoubtedly it is the best No Follow link you could never achieve.
54- “Co-occurrence”
The words about a link to Google to help you determine the subject and the accuracy of it. So you can consider another important factor. The future will contextual links.
55- Age Backlinks
According to Google, the links with more ancient transmit more power or authority than the new links.
56- Links from 301 Redirects
301 redirects from links have slightly less force than direct links.
57- Microformats
Pages that are capable of supporting micro and used thereby appearing in SERPs are more likely to be positioned by Google.
58- CTR Keywords
Clicadas pages are a greater number of times in the SERPs for a given content, are more likely to raise its position Seo for the main keyword of that particular content.
59. Direct Benefits’ Your SEO Traffic
Google uses data from its Chrome browser to take into account parameters such as “what kind of sites people visit and how often.” An important metric is the direct traffic. A more direct traffic when more relevant to rank a website.
60- Recurring Traffic
The pages with a higher percentage of recurring traffic, that is, returning to your site again and again they send signals to Google that the content of that page is relevant.
61- Number of Reviews
Google likes living and full pages of dynamic content. One symptom of better health of a page or blog is the amount of feedback you receive. Another factor that will help you position your support.
62- Page Weather
The residence time of a user on your page tells Google that you are interested in the same content. On the other hand it is one of the hardest ratios increase, since in theory it is directly proportional to the quality and contents generated by your interest.
63- User Browsing History
The more times you appear in the results of “distorted” searches for the best people for your SEO positioning.
64- User Search History
The searches you perform are used by Google to show based on such information results. Thus if you usually looking for information on, for example, marketing strategies are likely to Increnta page is a bit more likely to appear.
65- Geo Targeting
Google gives preference to pages whose IP is a relatively close geographic location to the user and host domains in a given country.
66- Safe Search
If you want to make your articles relevant in terms of positioning consistently avoids using bad sounding words. Google tries to subtract relevance to such results.
67- Google Circles as a Relevant Factor
Google places greater relevance in the SERPS to pages whose people have added in your Google+ circles. So a good practice is to try to be included in the largest possible number of circles in Google +.
68- Users Complaints
Google penalizes those pages which has received complaints, including reports of spam.
69- Transactional searches
Google displays different results if they suspect that the type of information we are looking for is a reference to a purchase or go for a service. This factor must be taken into account if we are stewards of an online store (in order to optimize pages for the right keywords) and not to lose sight of Google Places.
70- Local Searches
Your results will be more likely to occur if the user searches are local and refer directly to the location of your business.
71- Google News
Depending on the type of media, certain keywords trigger a picture Google News.
72- Preference Brands
Google has given a larger role in the SERPS brand names of the companies for a certain type of short quests. Thus the company computer if you enter the word Apple will appear in first place instead of apple.
73- The Images in Search Results
One factor that can bring traffic to your site are well positioned in search engines images. Position in Google Images is infinitely easier to do it through the organic content.
74- Number of Tweets
The amount of tweets is probably the indicator that has less impact on SEO.
75- Influence on Twitter Profile
The SEO community believes that the influence of the person behind the Twitter account (as the number of followers, account age, …) is an important position when certain content factor.
76- Facebook Shares
The number of times that your post is shared on Facebook is more relevant than simple SEO Like Me.
77- Likes on Facebook
The number of Likes on Facebook is one of the values that Google takes into account when determining the interest specific content has aroused among the public (although it has less impact on the SEO that Facebook Shares ). Note that Facebook works much better for a particular type of subject than others.
78- Facebook Authority
In theory, more authority has a Facebook profile more specifically to enhance our position will be able to exert over content. Thus the “Like” influencers should be of great relevance.
79- Pins Pinterest
Google considers as a social signal that content is attractive to the user. Images and photos predisposed to become viral “usually sweep.
80- Votes on Social Platforms
Google takes into account the content is broadcast on various platforms and social aggregators (not just Facebook and Twitter live the company).
81- Number +1 on Google Plus
Google+ effect in the bomb is more momentum to a content search results. Google+ can give an initial strong push, but if after X days left to get the + 1s or other relevant factors (such as bonds) the effect ends up being diluted.
82- Authority Google+ account
Once again we return to the same, the authority of the Google+ account of the person in question is relevant. Not the same +1 a profile with 20 followers to one with 30,000.
83- Verify Author Through Google+
Verified by copyright content they are more likely to hit in search results harder. On the other hand it is good to focus a particular subject when our content to verify Google Authorship. Google This means that we are experts in a subject.
84- Targeting Social Networking Strategy
It is vital to focus your strategy on a limited number of social networks in order to focus the effort.
85- Brand Searches
Google assesses whether a mark is widely used in the search from the search box (although, as we have said in one of the factors assessed through traffic).
86- Brands That have a Page on Facebook
Pages with Fan Page and movement within the same (number of active fans, mentions, LIKE etc.) are slightly more likely to strong results will rank in Google.
87- Websites with Huge Number of Followers
For example, a high number of followers on Twitter is a sign of brand relevance, which ultimately always favored search engine (indirect impact).
88- Page Company Profile on Linkedin
Relevant business pages usually have optimized pages on Linkedin. Having a professional web page in this is another sign that grant authority.
89- Co-citations
This factor means that it is not always necessary to link the website of a brand so that Google knows that we are referring to capture it. Also appreciates this naturally. That is, pages that are mentioned, but not always linked.
90- Number of Subscribers by RSS
Companies with a large number of subscribers via RSS are taken into account by search engines.
91- Business Location
This is likely to use the Google search engine to determine the physical geolocation of the company in question and see if you have a real and solvent diagnosing its Web infrastructure company.
92- Pop-ups and Excessive Advertisements
sites with a large number of commercials and Pop Ups send signals to Google that your content is poor quality.
93- Pages Sobreoptimizadas
Those pages are sobreoptimizadas for a number of keywords can be penalized.
94- IP addresses marked as spam
If your server IP is marked as spam is very likely that the rankings of all pages where you are the administrator from being devalued.
95- Penalties Manual
pages have been penalized manually despite leaving the penalty is likely to experience greater scrutiny front pages have always had a clean behavior.
96- Links From The Same IP
Excess linked from the same page can make Google think you’re using various media such as link farm and this can affect your rankings.
97- Self-Generated Content
Google is not a fan of self-generated content but the original content. The self-generated content is a pump that Google will soon penalize and de-index the worst.
98- Affiliate Sites
is no secret to anyone that Google does not like much the affiliate pages. A tip: if you use them, you use them to head.
99- Hide Affiliate Links
go too far when you want to hide your affiliate links, especially if you use them to cloacking, it is a common factor penalty.
100- Sandbox
A pattern of excessive links from sites that have historically been used to make such profiles Black Seo forums and comments excess suspect Google can do, and more so if your site is not a site that enjoys authority.
101- Since
The logical tightness of the Mountain View giant when it comes to give clarity to the selection criteria of the results, the 101
I leave it to you What other reasons are important to position a website in Google?
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