TotalSchool – A Complete School Management System by SolutionDot

TotalSchool – A Complete School Management System by SolutionDots Systems

School Management System

TotalSchool is a versatile Cloud based School Management Software equipped by SolutionDots System. It is an advanced and powerful user-friendly interface.

TotalSchool is a software which manages complete school system and make it possible to approach all activates of students (admission, fee structure, time-table, result, attendance etc.) to their teachers as well as parents.

It also manages different administrative task of school for example HR management, Inventory management, transportation management, accounts management, exam management etc.

For any school it is a very tough task to manage all records for students, teachers, parents and management at the same time but SolutionDots System make it easy with the help of TotalSchool.

The innovative idea of TotalSchool make the management of school as simple as one can believe. Let us brief how TotalSchool changed the style of management. Here are some silent given below:

Online Student Registration Form:

Firstly SolutionDot enables the online student registration form, it save time for both students and management. No need to take print and manual data entry just do it online within few minutes.

Electronic Entry Test:

Electronic entry test is itself is a great achievement, because it saves everyone’s time. Students satisfied regarding their test (once submitted then couldn’t be edited), teachers free relax to check (no need understand hand writing of students), administration also feel free because all record is saved manually.


Paperless Administration:

TotalSchool introduces complete paperless administration, no need to keep records on manual sheets in cabinets now a lot of space is free in the administration office. It looks clean and can be managed easily.

Student Approval Center:

In this section, students could easily review whether after the entry test their admission is approved or not as well as the administration will approve or reject the request in this section.

Invoice Management:

In this section administration manages the invoices of admission, entry test, monthly invoice, etc. It manages all record of invoices efficiently.

Student Dues Management:

In TotalSchool records of students’ dues could be easily managed, and administration, students, and parents can easily check fee records.

Student Fee Plan & Instalments Management:

Through this section, TotalSchool efficiently manages the fee plan as well as the installments for students automatically.

Student Information:

TotalSchool also keeps the profile record of all students like their name, address, contact semester details, etc.

Electronic Student Attendance:

With the help of electronic attendance, records of all students present student will be maintained and the chance to miss or double attendance will vanish.

Student Access:

TotalSchool is accessible to students so they may able to view their study scheme, timetable announcements etc.

Parent Access:

It is also accessible to the parents and makes them able to track the study history of their children without visiting school.

Teacher Access and Management:

Teachers can easily access or manage TotalSchool, they can update student’s record and any change is study scheme.

Parent Mobile notifications:

With TotalSchool parents will be notify about the attendance, exams, and result and fee statements of their kids.

Exam Management:

Exam management was not so easy task for teachers and administration but TotalSchool manages exams like a magic.

Result Management:

After exams a big problem was managing the result at all aspects but again TotalSchool has taken this responsibility and all record manages easily.

Transportation Management:

Transportation management was a big problem to manage but it can also be managed by school administration with the help of TotalSchool.

School Account Management:

TotalSchool has taken the responsibility to manage all your accounts and make administration free from this accountability.

School Inventory Management:

SolutionDots System’s TotalSchool make administration easy by sharing almost all responsibilities, it also manages the inventory of school.

School HR Management:

Here you go, TotalSchool also has taken the responsibility of HR management. Now hiring new staff is also a very easy task for administration.

Web Based System:

TotalSchool is a web based system you just need to have an internet connection and can access it from any computer at anywhere.

Highly Reliable:

Total is a highly reliable software that manages all of your working in school management efficiently and make your life easier.

User Management:

Through its user management system TotalSchool manages all the record updated by users. It also allows administration to manage the user by itself, they can add, edit or delete the user data modestly.

User Privileges and Logs Management:

With user privileges and log management of TotalSchool administration can protect their system from the attack of some unwanted user.

Those were some the features of TotalSchool which shows that it’s a magic, it will smoothly handle your work burden and make life easy.

If teacher’s burden removed it will make them able to show good performance same as administration can keep an eye on all activities of students as well as teachers.

In the same way student’s study could be chased by parents. No doubt to say that it is a great achievement of SolutionDots system.