Common Mistakes IOS Application Developer Usually Make
- Mobile Apps January 18,2018

Smartphone application development is expanding rapidly. It is one of the most competitive industry nowadays. Undoubtedly we have experienced developers who provide excellent services at a competitive edge. Developers are also putting efforts in enhancing their experience and skills. Thousands of application developers publish their applications to a variety of app stores including Play Store and App Store. Rules of these major platforms are completely different from each other. On successful IOS application development, some developers didn’t succeed. They frequently make very tiny and common mistakes during development and unable to get noticed by traffic.
IOS Application Development Mistakes
The mistakes an IOS application developer make may ruin application reputation with the bad user experience. Some of the most common mistakes are assembled for understanding.
Target Audience Ignorance
An application whether it is for Android platform or App store is built for people. Developers sometimes forget that their audience is non-technical. If any of the developer unable to think and understand their audience, this is going to be the worst mistake ever. Your application should be according to audience need, requirement, ease, and preferences.
Before an application development targeted audience should be defied. It will let the developer think from an audience perspective. All of the application features usually defined according to targeted audience demand. Business success is all about customer satisfaction and this factor shouldn’t be eliminated.
Fail In Error Handling
Error handling shouldn’t annoy your customer. Again you have to take special care of your client’s requirements and emotions. If your application is displaying error during execution, it needs to get fixed. If you need to send any warning, display in a way client should understand. If you’re sending unwanted messages and alerts, it may irritate your client.
Reliable Testing
On publishing, an application has started displaying errors, is going to leave a negative impact on your audience. Therefore, it is necessary to check all reliability and performance testing before publication. During IOS application testing process, test all of its features on different available platforms. Introduce your application by ensuring its quality.
Ensure that your testing should be in real time. Along with feature testing, make it sure to test your application according to network conditions. If an application is unable to handle network situations and using more data, the audience will consider it awful situation and get irritated.
Device Handling
If your application is not performing on different devices with the same operating system. It is another worst mistake that immediately needs to fix. During testing and development, make it sure that the app is working smoothly on all platforms. If the target audience is experiencing unexpected behavior, with different screen size and OS updates. It leaves a negative impact on the application as well as business reputation.
Inflexible Coding
Apple doesn’t allow garbage code in application development. Undoubtedly none of the audience is going to review coding, but it should be architect well. If your coding is architected well, it becomes easier to reuse and update accordingly.
These are few mistakes that could be made by an IOS application developer. All of them could be easily fixed if easily with some care and consideration.
“Mistakes are the proof that you are trying”
None of the application is 100% accurate but you may take steps to achieve your best. Reduce your mistakes, simplify your applications and optimize client satisfaction for success.