10 WordPress Multilingual Plugins for Translation

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WordPress multilingual plugins enable website translation. Today, many are creating websites for business, and WordPress is known for its SEO and user-friendliness, making it popular worldwide.

Many people develop their sites using WordPress as an open-source content management system.

Top 10 reliable WordPress multilingual plugins for effective website translation.


1. WooCommerce Multilingual – run WooCommerce with WPML

Allows running fully multilingual e-commerce sites using Woo Commerce and WPML.
This ‘glue’ plugin makes it possible to run fully multilingual e-commerce sites using Woo Commerce and WPML. It makes products and store pages translatable, lets visitors switch languages and order products in their language.
  1. Lets you multilingual different kinds of Woo Commerce product types
  2. Central management for translating product categories, tags, and custom attributes
  3. Automatically synchronizes product variations and images
  4. Keeps the same language through the checkout process
  5. Sends emails to clients and admins in their selected language
  6. Allows inventory tracking without breaking products into languages
  7. Enables running a single Woo Commerce store with multiple currencies
How to install?
  1. Upload ‘woo commerce-multilingual’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Translate the shop pages

2. WPGlobus – Multilingual Everything!

Multilingual / Globalization: URL-based Multilanguage; easy translation interface, compatible with WordPress SEO by Yoast and ACF!
WPGlobus is a WordPress multilingual plugin for making bilingual / multilingual WordPress blogs and sites.
  1. Provides admin interface to translate posts, pages, menus, widgets, categories, and tags to multiple languages.
  2. Adds a drop-down menu to the navigation, enabling language switching by changing the URL (/{language}/page/).
  3. The admin interface lets you choose active languages and set custom country flag and language abbreviation combinations.
How to install?
  1. You can install this plugin directly from your WordPress dashboard:
  2. Go to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
  3. Search for WPGlobus.
  4. Click Install Now next to the WPGlobus plugin.
  5. Activate the plugin.
  6. Alternatively, see the guide to Manually Installing Plugins.

3. Polylang Translation Plugin

Polylang adds multilingual content management support to WordPress.
Polylang WordPress multilingual plugin allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. You write posts, pages and create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them.
The translation of a post, whether it is in the default language or not, is optional. The translation has to be done by the site editor as Polylang does not integrate any automatic or professional translation service.
  1. You can use as many languages as you want. RTL language scripts are supported. WordPress multilingual plugin language files are automatically downloaded and updated.
  2. You can translate posts, pages, media, categories, post tags, menus, widgets… Custom post types, custom taxonomies, sticky posts and post formats, RSS feeds, and all default WordPress widgets are supported.
  3. The language is determined by the content, URL (directory or subdomain), or a separate domain for each language.
  4. A customizable language switcher is provided as a widget or in the nav menu
  5. The admin interface is multilingual, allowing each user to set their preferred WordPress admin language in their profile.
How to install?
  1. Ensure you are using WordPress 3.5+ and your server runs PHP 5.2.4+ (same as WordPress requirements).
  2. Download the plugin
  3. Extract all the files.
  4. Upload everything (keeping the directory structure) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  6. Go to the languages settings page and create the languages you need
  7. Add the ‘language switcher’ widget to let your visitors switch the language.
  8. Take care that your theme must come with the corresponding .mo files (Polylang downloads them for themes and plugins bundled with WordPress).

4. qTranslate X

Adds user-friendly WordPress multilingual plugin content management and translation support. It is an up-to-date fork of qTranslate with many additional features.Wordpress multilingual plugin is a descendant of qTranslate, which has apparently been abandoned by the original author, Qian Qin.
  1. One-click local switching between the languages – Changing the language is as easy as switching between Visual and HTML.
  2. Language customizations without .mo files; translations stored and edited per language.
  3. In-line syntax ‘<!–:en–>English Text<!–:–><!–:de–>Deutsch<!–:–>’ or ‘[:en]English Text[:de]Deutsch’ for theme-custom fields gets them translated. See FAQ for more information.
  4. Multilingual dates out of the box – Translates dates and times for you.
  5. These custom fields can be configured to be translatable too.
  6. Includes built-in languages like English, German, and Simplified Chinese.
How to install?
Installation of this plugin is no different from any other plugin:
  1. Download the plugin from here.
  2. Extract all the files.
  3. Upload everything (keeping the directory structure) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  4. Activate qTranslate-X through the ‘Plugins’ configuration page in WordPress.
  5. Open Settings->Languages configuration page and add/delete/disable any languages you need.
  6. Add the “qTranslate Language Chooser” widget or the “Language Switcher” menu item to let your visitors switch the language.
  7. You may use Google XML Sitemaps v3 for the qTranslate plugin to rebuild your XML sitemap for better SEO support.
  8. Configure theme custom fields for translation under Settings -> Languages.
  9. Upgrading from qTranslate-X requires no extra actions; it continues seamlessly.

5. WordPress Multilingual Plugin (WPML)

WPML Wordpress multilingual plugin  comes with easy setup of 40 languages right out of the box. Apart from that it allows the users to add their own language as and when needed.
It also allows the users to add different variants of languages like Mexican Spanish etc. It is also capable of making one single WordPress installation work fully as a multilingual site.
Features of WPML:
  1. Supports variant languages, enabling users to add their own language.
  2. Powerful translation management: Manages the translation by itself without creating any additional interference from the users.
  3. Multilingual CMS: It works well with Multilingual Content Management System sites powered by WordPress.
  4. Translates theme and plugin text from English into other languages.
  5. Automatically translates visitor comments into preferred languages for everyone.
An other WordPress multilingual plugin Display a list of related posts on your site based on a powerful unique algorithm. Earn money by including sponsored content!
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) displays pages, posts, and custom post types related to the current entry, introducing your readers to other relevant content on your site. (See current offers and promotions for YARPP Pro users.)
NEW! Now you can mix and match YARPP Basic and YARPP Pro to get the best of both features, beneath articles or in the sidebar! Use the combination that works best for you.
  1. Enable YARPP Pro for Powerful Enhancements
  2. Customize the thumbnail layout through the user interface.
  3. Pull related content from multiple sites.
  4. Make money by displaying sponsored content, at the bottom of your posts, in the sidebar, or both.
  5. Easily promote your product or service on thousands of blogs and websites.
  6. Get detailed reporting about your related content list.
How to install?
  1. Auto display on your website
  2. (optionally) copy the sample template files inside the app-templates folder into your active theme.
  3. Go to the “Related Posts (YARPP)” settings page to customize YARPP.

7. Transposh WordPress Translator

Transposh WordPress multilingual plugin adds best of breed translation support to wordpress, 92 languages are automatically translated and can be manually corrected with ease.
Transposh translation filter for WordPress offers a unique approach to blog translation. It allows your blog to combine automatic translation with human translation aided by your users with an easy to use in-context interface.
  1. Support for any language – including RTL/LTR layouts
  2. Unique drag/drop interface for choosing viewable/translatable languages
  3. Multiple options for widget appearances – with pluggable widgets and multiple instances
  4. Translation of external plugins without a need for .po/.mo files
  5. Automatic translation mode for all content (including comments!)
  6. Professional translation bt One Hour Translation
  7. Automatic translation can be triggered on demand by the readers or on the server side
  8. RSS feeds are translated too
  9. Takes care of hidden elements, link tags, meta contents, and titles
  10. Translated languages are searchable
  11. Buddypress integration
How to install?
  1. Upload the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Add the widget to your sidebar, and decide which interface you prefer
  4. On the settings page – define which languages you would like viewable, and translatable and which language is currently used (default) by clicking and dragging
  5. You are good to go

8. Zanto WordPress Translation

WordPress multilingual plugin Zanto WP Translation helps you run a multilingual site by providing linkage between content in blogs of different languages in a WordPress multisite.
Zanto WP Translation enables you to convert blogs in a multisite into translations of each other. It provides a language switcher to switch between the different translations of pages, posts, categories, custom types and custom taxonomies.
The plugin keeps track of what has been translated and what has not and provides an intuitive interface that allows you to carry out translation. The number of languages you can run are unlimited.
Get more WordPress multilingual, Localization and Internationalization addons from here multilingual addons or keep up to-date with the best Internationalization and localization practices at zanto.org/blog.
  1. Translation of posts, categories, custom taxonomies, and custom types.
  2. Redirects users to their preferred language based on browser settings.
  3. An easily customizable language switcher.
  4. Ability to use custom-made Language switcher themes.
  5. Add a language parameter to the URL for SEO purposes
  6. Create multiple translation networks within the same multisite setup.
  7. Each admin will have his admin language preferences stored
  8. Over 60 in-built languages and flags.
  9. Integrated support for domain mapping plugin
  10. multilingual  posts highlighting to prevent double translation
  11. Copy post data from one blog to the translation area
  12. A translation editor to multilingual all posts from one blog to all others without switching between blogs. (Additional Translation Manager plugin required)
  13. Create and Manage translators from a single blog. Translators have their own dashboards. (Additional Translation Manager plugin required)
  14. Assign Translations to individual translators.(Additional Translation Manager plugin required)
  15. Export and Import XLIFF translations for post taxonomies, comments, and custom fields. (Additional Translation Manager plugin required)
How to install?
Upload the Zanto WP Translation plugin to your WordPress plugin directory and activate it for each blog you want to do translations on or Network-wide if you want to do translation on all blogs in the multisite.

9. Multilanguage

WordPress multilingual plugin  allows you to create content on a WordPress site in different languages.
Multilanguage allows you to create a multilingual WordPress website. Hence, you can create or edit posts, pages, or create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them.
The translation of a post, whether it was created in the default language or not, is optional. All translations must be done manually using Multilanguage plugin, because it does not integrate any automatic or professional translation service.
  1. Use unlimited languages; 76 pre-installed languages are available by default.
  2. You can add translations for posts, pages, categories, and post tags.
  3. The language is set by the switcher or URL code.
  4. A customizable language switcher widget offers options to display as a drop-down list of languages, a drop-down of flag icons, or simply flag icons.
  5. You can adjust the language display priority in the switcher by modifying the settings on the plugin’s configuration page.
  6. The admin interface is translation-ready
How to install?
  1. Upload the multilanguage folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin using the ‘Plugins’ menu in your WordPress admin panel.
  3. You can adjust the necessary settings using your WordPress admin panel in “BWS Plugins” > “Multilanguage”.
  4. The plugin page is located in the main menu.

10. Theme Blvd WPML Bridge

WordPress multilingual plugin adds additional WPML compatibility for Theme Blvd themes.
When it comes to creating a multilingual website with WordPress, there’s no question that the WPML plugin is the best out there.
Responsive WordPress themes from Theme Blvd already integrate pretty well with WPML, but for an even more seamless experience, we’ve created this free WordPress multilingual plugin , Theme Blvd WPML Bridge.
The following articles cover general topics and best practices in using WPML specifically with Theme Blvd themes and this Theme Blvd WPML Bridge plugin.
  1. Compatible Themes
  2. String Translation
  3. WPML Bridge Plugin
  4. Theme Options
  5. Custom Homepage Layouts
  6. Page Templates and Options
  7. Custom Layouts & Static Pages
  8. WPML Breadcrumbs
  9. Widgets and Widget Areas
  10. Frontend Language Switchers
How to install?
  1. Upload the theme-blvd-will-bridge folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

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