How Talent Management Process Make Better Employees Performance
- Blog August 22,2023

Talent management process as the name itself suggests that the ability of managing, competency and power of working employees with an organization directly or indirectly.
The talent management process concept is not restricted to recruiting the right candidate at the right time. It extends to explore hidden and unusual qualities of your employees. It helps companies to improve employee’s abilities and nurturing them to get desired results. For organizations hiring the best talent may be a big concern today.
But retaining them and transitioning them according to your culture is most important and difficult. For this purpose talent management process is the proper solution to get best out of your employees for the benefit of your organization. The talent management process is not just limited to attract the best people in the organization.
The talent management process is a continuous process that meets an organization’s requirements involves sourcing, hiring, developing, retaining and promoting. If an organization wants to hire the best talent of its competitor to work with it, then you need to offer something that person beyond his/her imaginations to come and join your organization.
But hiring the source doesn’t the main purpose getting the things out of him/her is the main task. Therefore talent management process is a fully integrated software solution that not only controls the entry of an employee but also his/her exit. Every organization needs best talent management process to achieve its goals and set them higher.

Benefits of Using Talent Management Process
The talent management process can be a discipline as big as Human Resource HR function itself or a small bunch of initiatives aimed at people and organization department. Different types of organizations as per their sizes utilized talent management process for their benefits.
For this purpose conduct yearly interview, discuss the strength and development needs of the employees. There are many benefits of talent management process than the ones discussed above. The Benefits of using talent management process are
1. Right Person in the right Job
Proper ascertainment of people skill and strength and people decisions, gain a strategic agenda. This phenomenon is important for organizations because the right person for the right position increased productivity.
2. Retaining the top talent
Retaining the top talent for your organization is the most important factor to compete in market with others. To keep employees for long time companies must reward employees on the basis of individual performances with bonuses and promotions.
3. Better Hiring
The talent management process helps companies to hire better workforce. The quality of an organization depend on the quality of workforce it possesses. No wonder talent management process software has become an integral part of HR (Human Resource) processes nowadays.
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4. Understanding Employees Better
The talent management process software allows HR (Human Resource) department better assessment of each employee individually. You can easily guess what motivates whom and their development needs, career aspirations, strengths and weaknesses, abilities, likes and dislikes.
5. Better professional development decisions
When an organization find out who is its high potential, it becomes much easier for the organization to invest in their professional developments. Talent management process provide ease to organizations in decision making, learning, training, development, etc. And help the organizations where to invest.
Recruit Best Employees for Better Performance by Talent Management Process
No doubt people connected to an organization are the main resource of an organization. Sourcing the best people from the market for the organization has become top priority today.
The talent management process is becoming a key strategy to identify and fill skill gap in the company by recruiting high skill individual employees from the industry.
Hiring new employees as per company requirements is never ending process. To sustain and stay in the market with your competitors, the talent management process cannot be ignored.
To understand the concept better, let’s discuss the Stages included in talent management process
1. Understanding the Requirement
Understanding the job requirements play a vital role in the success of whole talent management process. The main objective is to determine the job requirements. Developing job description and specifications is the main activity of this stage.
2. Sourcing the Talent
Targeting the best talent from the industry for your company is second stage of talent management process. In this stage talent management process search for the best people according to the job requirement.
3. Attracting the Talent
The whole talent management process revolve around hiring the best talent to work so it is important to attract the talent. Because our end objective is to hire the best people from the industry.
4. Recruiting the Talent
Process of hiring is known as recruiting the talent. Actual process of hiring starts from here, when people are invited to join the organizations.
5. Selecting the Talent
At this stage companies conduct interviews of different candidates and evaluate them as mention in the job description. After evaluating candidate qualification, experience, skills sets according to the job requirements company invite best talent to join the company.
6. Training and Development
To get desired outputs from hired employees talent management process allows you to train and develop new candidates.
7. Retention
Hiring the new employees doesn’t serve the main purpose retention is the sole purpose of the talent management process. Retention of the employees depends on different factors such as salary package, job specifications, designation, challenges, career development, recognition, culture and the fit between job and talent.
8. Promotion
Job promotion is an important factor because an employee cannot work at the same designation with same responsibilities for a long time.
9. Competency Mapping
The next step is assessment of employee’s skills, abilities, development and competency. Also try to focus on behavior, attitude, and knowledge of your employees. See any further possibility of improvement in them. The talent management process will give you a brief idea if an employee is fit for promoting further or not.
10. Performance Appraisal
For performance appraisal measure actual performance, working efficiency and abilities to identify the true potential employee. The evaluation of employee will help you to identify whether he/she have the capabilities of sharing extra responsibilities or not.
11. Career Planning
If the individual can handle the team work, pressure of work, extra responsibilities in a well manner way then management must promote his/her rank and salary to retain them for a long period of time.
12. Succession Planning
Succession planning is about that who will go to replace whom in future. An employee who is working in an organization for a very long time deserve top positions. Management must analyze each employee record deeply and plan that how succession will take place.
13. Exit
The talent management process ends when an individual gets retired or no more attach with the organization.
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The sole purpose of the talent management process is to place the right person at the right place at right time to keep wheels of business in turning. The whole talent management process is very complex and difficult to handle. But the main purpose is to establish a right fit between the job and individual.
Challenges Face by Talent Management Process to Make Better Employee Performance
Globally and locally talent management process faced different challenges to make better employee performance. Challenges and opportunities TMP face are
- Recruiting talent
- Training and Development
- Retaining talent
- Developing Leadership talent
- Creating a talented, ethical culture
1. Recruiting talent
Due to the recent economic downturn jobs cuts globally increased. So those who were important to organizations were retained and others were sacked. Huge shuffles happened within the organizations and at the top leadership positions.
The recruitment process is always a difficult and costly Process because each interviewer cost to the company. Companies has had to pay for the filtering, calling and later at scheduling interview of the right resources in the process of recruitment.
2. Training and Development
Training and development of the new and old workers is always challenging task. Training and development of the organization related workers are always an ongoing process.
This is a more challenging task for talent management process is to increase the stake of the people who work on a contractual or project basis.
3. Retaining talent
When an organization focus to reduce employee overheads who are unessential in the shorter run. This scenario also demotivate those employees who are retained.
So maintain a contract with employees who have been retained. Investing on the people development at the time of crisis is the best option to retain top talent of the organization.
4. Developing Leadership talent
Develop leadership qualities in talent to handle organizational businesses at the time of crisis. Talent must have ability in it to extract certainty out of uncertainty. Set new goals & priorities and drive changes to ensure that momentum of work is not lost.
5. Creating a talented, ethical culture
Develop a culture of appreciation to boost up confidence in your employees. Set ethical and behavioral standards to develop a user friendly atmosphere within an organization. Although transparency rate to evaluate an employee is easy now and complexity is less, but still there are challenges for talent management process.
Talent Management System
Talent management systems (TMS) are really important for the organization to manage and select the best employee with suitable with position.
Talent management System allow the management to keep hiring checklist directly. Keep an eye over the communication and examine hiring process and the progress in recruitment of new employees. Here check out the process of hiring an employee.
- First of all find out if there is need of hiring a new employee or need to replace the position.
- But before hiring think deeply and try to accomplish work without adding any new staff.
- Schedule a meeting with recruiter, HR leader and hiring manager or a potential coworker.
- Prepare Key of Requirements for the position you seek in a candidate. A Requirement like qualification, characteristics and experience will help HR departments to post jobs on a website.
- Assist with Human Resource department and decide salary & job description.
- If an internal candidate is select after interview, then make a written job offer letter that includes new salary and job description.
- If no candidate apply from other company then post your job at social media sites such as com, Twitter, LinkedIn other professional websites like
- According to requirement short list candidates resumes and schedule interviews.
Talent Management process System keep the records of employee’s in an organization from the day of hiring to till the end. Talent Management System allow the HR Mangers and HR resources to streamline all the process of recruitment and other HR related functions. Talent Management System allow you to manage and compile all the resource in the organization and keep track of whole Employee life cycle. Basically there are four core modules are enlisted in Talent Management System. All of these four core modules are called as ‘Four Pillars’ of Talent Management System. These are:
- Recruitment Help the organization to keep track of quality resources and identification of new valuable resources through Applicants’ Application Tracking System.
- Performance ManagementAllow the HR Managers and the authoritative persons to have an eye over the performance of each employee. Complete chart of their progress and their achieved goals.
- Learning & Development Facilitates the onboard (on the project) processes by offering new resources learning and development programs in order to excel their skills. These learning and development programs may include, workshops, seminars, training’s and various new innovation classes. That results in the excellence of existing skills and add new innovative edge of certification in employees’ professional profile.
- Compensation ManagementHelp to ensure the employee’ performance reflection in compensation.
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At the end can say that talent management process has provide new ways to Human Resource department to handle problems faced in hiring talent. By the help of talent management process companies are hiring right person for the right job as per their job requirement and description.
Talent management process is not only restricted to hiring best talent it also help companies to find out hidden qualities of employees to get desired outputs. Software help companies to manage companies goals, challenges and priorities.
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