What is a General Ledger?

What is a General Ledger min

A general ledger represents the record keeping system for a company’s financial data with debit and credit account records validated by a trial balance. The general ledger provides a record of each financial transaction that takes place during the life of an operating company. The general... more...

Top 10 Greatest AI Trends in Business 2020

Top 10 Greatest AI Trends in Business 2020

Artificial Intelligence is a technological story of the 2010s, and over time more AI technologies are on the way. There was a new charm for all, but it did not end even in the second decade. No doubt, 2019 was the year of artificial intelligence; however, 2020 has promised for more miracles.... more...

What is real-time analytics?

What is real time analytics min 1

Real-time analytics is the discipline that applies logic and arithmetic to data to supply insights for creating better decisions quickly. For a few use cases, real-time simply means the analytics is completed within a couple of seconds or minutes after the arrival of the latest data. On-demand... more...

HR Online and the Convenience it Brings Along

HR Online and the Convenience it Brings Along min

What is HR Online? While frequent administrations have skipped aboard with present advances and selected to obtain HR frameworks, a few working atmospheres still supervise key fundamentals of HR utilizing messy and separated frameworks that may integrate both physical and electrical partners. If... more...

7 Actions Distributors got to Take Now to Reopen

7 Actions Distributors got to Take Now to Reopen copy

As the world gradually recovers from the impact of the global pandemic, distributors find themselves at a crucial crossroad. After enduring significant challenges and disruptions, the time has come to chart a path towards reopening and regaining momentum in their operations. However, this process... more...

What You Need to Include on Your Invoices

What You Need to Include on Your Invoices copy

An invoice is an important document for most businesses because you’ll only be paid once your business produces a suitable invoice for a customer. By preparing and issuing a business invoice promptly, you give yourself the best chance of being paid earlier. It’s important to include all... more...

Challenges a Unified Accounting Solution can solve

5 Challenges a Unified Accounting and Payroll Solution can solve copy 1

Whether a business is little or a worldwide enterprise, it’s evident that without unification and systems in situ within the accounting and finance departments, the corporation is doomed to fail. ERP implementation can help compile accounting, finances, and payroll to achieve business growth... more...