Account Management Software: Reasons to Eliminate

Account Management Software Reasons to Eliminate Traditional Accounts min

Accounts are already entered in the era of digitalization. Start from manual pen & paper to Excel sheets finance has reached cloud technology. The era of spreadsheets and desktop accounting software not finished yet, but still businesses are rapidly adopting cloud account management software.... more...

Top ERP Trends – Revolution of Manufacturing Industry

Top ERP Trends – Revolution of Manufacturing Industry min

The manufacturing industry is also rapidly being transferred to all other industries. This transformation is due to technology evaluations. It is getting competitive advantages from this revolution. Transformation of manufacturing industry has improved the agility. The industry is positively... more...

Is PaaS supportive in Maintaining Uptime?

Is PaaS supportive in Maintaining Uptime min

Disaster can occur anytime, it is the methodology of a great businessman to plan for expected risks initially. If they don’t plan, it may create serious business problems. Because disaster can raid in any form i.e. network crash, application failure, and any other reason. It is necessary to... more...

Inventory Management System: Is Time to Switch Cloud Based Solution?

Inventory Management System

Are you facing difficulties in managing the inventory of your business? If your product management is complicating the routine tasks for you and your employees? It there any need for cloud based inventory management system that should be well-designed and perfectly meet your business requirements?... more...

Transform Your Business with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Nowadays it is becoming the concept that there will be a time computer will surely replace you. Technology is raising its powers and human being is considering their work future as destroyed. Undoubtedly coming future is going to be unfriendly and clearly indicates that the Artificial Intelligence... more...

Does Amazon Alexa Record Private Conversation?

Amazon Alexa

There is a news break during last few days. A couple lives in Portland claimed that Amazon Alexa has recorded their private conversation and shared to the contact list randomly. They explained that the smart speaker of Alexa device has recorded their private conversation and transmitted over the... more...

How Select Right School Management System?

School Management System 1

Selection of right school management system is a quite challenging job. There are a lot of features and factors that required to consider. They could be related to interface or the software functionality. Nowadays there are a lot of school management software packages offered by a variety of... more...